This deep-diving spoiler-filled installment of the Blue Rose Task Force Podcast explores Episode 8 —the ninth overall installment of Twin Peaks and first episode of Season 2—using the full context of Twin Peaks from 1990 to 2017.
The podcast looks into the contents of the episode itself, but begins as usual with its production history. The host discusses how Episode 8–written by Mark Frost and David Lynch, and directed by David Lynch–was nearly directed by Steven Spielberg. You’ll also get a glimpse into the differences between the episode’s appearance as a Sunday Night Movie, and how it contrasts with its other appearance as a Sunday Night Movie: Season 1 premiere.
Then the podcast dives into the text itself. How does the Giant contribute to our understanding of the show’s mythology? How does the Giant communicate? What does the Major’s vision add to what we know? The podcast also looks into the use of food in this episode, and listens to the sound of all the music in the air while describing its effects.
You’ll get a good look into how the town reacts (or doesn’t) to last episode’s mill fire. The visions of Maddy and Ronette are also discussed at length, and so are the signs of Laura’s presence. Why you shouldn’t wear her stuff? And what might Harriet Hayward’s poem know a little too much about?
If you like what you hear, Blue Rose Task Force Podcast would love to hear from you. Send any of your questions and feedback to and we’ll discuss it in our monthly Mailbag episodes.
Blue Rose Task Force Podcast is presented by 25YL Media and Ruminations Radio Network. Production by Mitch Proctor and Area 42 Studios and Sound. You can listen now on Spotify, Apple and other podcast platforms.
Season 2 ep. 1 “May the Giant Be With You”
Listen to this episode from Blue Rose Task Force: A Twin Peaks Obsessive Podcast on Spotify. Go deep into the production history of Twin Peaks Episode 8 as it kicks the supernatural mythology of Twin Peaks into gear, then stay for an exploration of the Giant and his clues, what happens when music is in the air, and what happens when you wear Laura’s stuff.
Articles discussed in this episode:
A Journey to the Underworld of Twin Peaks by Gisela Fleischer
Reincarnation & The Return Part 3: Ding. Dong. Cooper’s Dead by J.C. Hotchkiss
NEON PEAKS by David Titterington