This week’s deep-diving spoiler-filled installment of the Blue Rose Task Force Podcast explores Episode 7—the eighth overall installment of Twin Peaks and finale to Season 1—using the full context of Twin Peaks from 1990 to 2017.
The podcast looks into writer/director Mark Frost’s confident visual and sound design choices, and how Lynch/Frost Productions hid the episode’s mountains of cliffhangers as long as they could from ABC and got renewed anyway.
The sheer number of disguises in this episode is discussed, as are the ramifications of Maddy dressing as Laura. The motivation of Jacoby’s attacker is explored, and Audrey becoming a princess in a castle takes visible shape in more ways than one. The process of intrapersonal alchemy is also discussed, in relation to Nadine throughout the entire series.
While understanding the origins sit firmly in production error, many reasons are considered when noting the tonal differences between the Laura cassette that Jacoby listened to at the end of Episode 1 and the one listened to here by James, Donna and Maddy.
Also heavily discussed is how money seems to be at the root of all evil, and how interruptions hound Cooper when things that he thinks are coming together are actually falling apart in rapid succession.
If you like what you hear, Blue Rose Task Force Podcast would love to hear from you. Send any of your questions and feedback to and we’ll discuss it in our monthly Mailbag episodes.
Blue Rose Task Force Podcast is presented by 25YL Media and Ruminations Radio Network. Production by Mitch Proctor and Area 42 Studios and Sound. You can listen now on Spotify, Apple and other podcast platforms.
S1E8: The Last Evening
Listen to this episode from Blue Rose Task Force: A Twin Peaks Obsessive Podcast on Spotify. We’ll hand you a cliffhanger on your way in, because this week’s podcast is on f-i-r-e. Learn how the cliffhangers were hidden from the network as long as possible! Explore co-creator Mark Frost’s filming techniques!
The following articles are discussed in the episode:
Reincarnation & The Return, Part 3: Ding Dong Cooper’s Dead