25YL has gone stereo! We will be releasing audio versions of some of our articles, which will be exclusive content for our Patrons. Anyone who signs up to pledge $5 or $10 per month will have access to our exclusive audio articles, plus many other benefits. This is your chance to hear what we’re obsessing over lately in the world of Film, Horror, TV, Gaming, and Music.
To give you a FREE taste of what you can expect, you can listen below to hear John Bernardy reading his article, Time Moves Strangely: Metaphysical Geological Events in Twin Peaks. Those fans of the site know that our man John is definitely a deep diver when it comes to all things Twin Peaks. So enjoy a damn fine cup of coffee and tuck into this mind blowing approach to Peaksian events.
If you’re a 25YL podcast subscriber already it’ll also be available on your chosen platform shortly. If you’re not, sign up
Did you miss any of our other audio? For more Peaks, don’t miss this great audio article from J.C.!
Fans of Midsommar, just in case you missed this, here is Laura Stewart’s audio from her article, Psychedelic Healing in Midsommar— Ari Aster’s brilliant, sunny and psychedelic film.