Hello everyone! It seems like only yesterday we here on the site were gearing up for our 100th post The Origin of Evil, Laura’s The One, Post #100: The Waiting Room, which happened to take place after the now legendary Part 8. Yeah, we write a lot. Which is pretty cool because you guys seem to read a lot, which makes this the perfect relationship! Which brings me to my point…we want our next milestone to be a collaborative effort with all of you.
The idea is for you to send in questions and we answer them. A traditional “Q and A” that many other publications and podcasts use but its new for us. What kind of questions you might ask? For starters anything related to The Return, the original series or Fire Walk With Me. You could also ask us anything about the site you might want to know: how things are run, what are processes are like, what the future of the site holds, etc. We’ll be open books – if you want to know, we’ll answer it. Also if you have questions for a specific staff member, please feel free to address it to them. As a matter of fact, that would be pretty cool and an honor.
We want to celebrate our 200th post like this because at the end of the day this is a fan run site. We are all one big, amazing community of Twin Peaks fans and this site would have already shut down if it weren’t for your support. Your comments, your feedback, your support and your friendship is the lifeblood of this project. Which is exactly why we want to spend our next anniversary post working with you.
So if you would like to be a part of post #200, send us an email at 25yearslatersite@gmail.com with the subject “200”. We will be accepting questions until Friday August 11th. Looking forward to this more than we can properly express. Thank you as always.