Prior to Part 7 airing, 25 Years Later reached out to several of our podcaster friends and asked them to participate in a 5-question survey. Some podcasts answered with their co-hosts and some separate. The podcasts that submitted survey answers are: Twin Peaks Season 3 Podcast, There Will Be Drinking Podcast, Bickering Peaks, Deer Meadow Radio, Gifted & The Damned Podcast, Twin Peaks Podcast, Who Killed Laura Palmer Podcast, Mr. Podcast, Sparkwood & 21, Wrapped in Podcast, I’m Worried About Coop, Jubel from Counter Esperanto and Time For Cakes & Ale. Remember, the voting only covers the first third of the season but we’re sure Part 8 will be well represented in our “Year End Awards”.
Andy (Twin Peaks Season 3 Podcast) : Hawk finding the pages of Laura’s diary in part 6 and the sudden falling into place of 26 years of anticipation and the formation of a narrative amidst all this molasses-paced magic.
Murda (There Will Be Drinking Podcast): The series has been full of great and memorable scenes so far, but I can’t seem to get the scene in Part 2 of Sam and Tracey’s brutal murder out of my head!!! From the sound and set design, to the awkward sex, this scene really did it for me!
Cait (There Will Be Drinking Podcast): Every time I think of this new season I just imagine Bill, Matthew Lillard, and his terrible short lived wife sitting face to face in an incredibly close up shot, then a slow pan to that burned up ghost dude in the other cell. I loved the shot and the acting, plus it was a moment where I just went “WHAT?!”
Bickering Peaks: The Purple Room/Lavender World (still bickering over what to call it!) scene is still the most memorable, hands down. At least we can agree on that!
Deer Meadow Radio: 1st 15 minutes of Ep 3 (Purple Purgatory stuff)
Bubba (Gifted & The Damned Podcast): The classic TP foundation was: David Lynch’s visuals, Mark Frost’s story and Angelo Badalamenti’s score. The Return has been so light on the score! When Deputy Bobby saw Laura Palmer’s photo, Lucy takes Andy’s hand and the musical score swells: it’s magical.
Mork (Gifted & The Damned Podcast): Mr. C interviewed by Cole, Albert and TP. Particularly if Dougie Coop turns into Mr. C…
Matt (Twin Peaks Podcast): Creature appearing in the box
Scott (Who Killed Laura Palmer Podcast): Although seeing Diane for the first time in over 25 years is huge, I think the most memorable scene for me was the strange dark frozen being in the cell next to Bill in the premiere.
Chris (Who Killed Laura Palmer Podcast): The entity coming through the portal/box in New York and consuming the young lovers.
Sparkwood & 21: The Purple Place or The Hit and Run -Em / Cooper’s Traveling in the in between – Steve / Ike the Spike’s murder spree -Paul
Claude (Mr. Podcast): The Evolution of the Arm Doppelganger screaming “non-exist-ent” and flushing Cooper into the beyond!
Justin (Mr. Podcast): Evil-cooper deep voice interrogation scene.
“Wrapped in Podcast” team (J.R. Parker, Ken Walczak, and T. Kyle King): The shadow monster emerging from the glass box and killing Sam and Tracey.
Becks & Eeson (TFCAA): The Purple Room sequence at the start of Part 3.
Jubel (Counter Esperanto): For me the most memorable scene is still the first sequence in Part 3 otherwise known as the Purple or Mauve room. David Lynch managed to come up with yet another way to toy with our perceptions, and another skewed approach to temporality. It is also the moment where the effects really clicked for me as being similar to the effects that one finds in his paintings and photo manipulations, rather than just being “slapdash” looking. There is an aesthetic cohesiveness that works so well, and this is where I knew I was all-in with the approach.
I’m Worried About Coop: Wally Brando. I mean, OF COURSE it’s Wally Brando.
So now that you’ve heard what the podcasters have to say, what was the most memorable scene from Parts 1-6 to you? Comment on WordPress or social media! Be sure to check out these podcasts and also John Bernardy’s Podcast review every Sunday!