No one knows what to make of the Andy/Farmer scene but I suggest being on the lookout for a white car that looks like the one that drove past when Andy was telling the man to meet him at 4:30. The humming of the Great Northern is being equated with Josie. And almost everyone mentions how Ike probably smells like scorched engine oil. Everyone also loves how Albert calls out Gordon on his selective “hearing loss.”
They believe DoppelCooper paid an untoward visit to Audrey in some capacity, while the verdict is surprisingly somewhat split on Diane (most think DoppelCooper assaulted her after the events of Episode 29 and others think this is potentially from their relationship right before Cooper came to Twin Peaks). Most podcasts also notice how Diane’s “Look at me” invokes Laura’s “Who are you really?.” The way Lynch and Frost play with expectations, I would believe EVERYTHING I just wrote could be off base. I really hope so (But if it IS true, here’s our site’s article dealing with the ramifications).
Onto the Podcasts:
Mr. Podcast with Claude and Justin covered Part Six in their typically long-but-not-longwinded episodes. If you have the time to listen to thoughtful 3 hour 50 minute conversation, I recommend these guys. Part Six answered two big mythology questions and the hosts dug into them and the rest rather well. CooperDougie’s advice from the black lodge was to 1) wake up and 2) don’t die, and Cooper actively does neither, instead does homework. They see the connection between the green dots and the lodge tenuous but probable (and wonder if this is another way of trying to wake Cooper up). They don’t understand how no one actually calls for help with Dougie or that Sonny Jim went that long without speaking. Diane still surprised the host despite predicting both the actress and the character. And they compared Dougie to the Lynch-greenlit Nadine storyline that, in possibly a predictive timeline, stretched from literally beginning to end of Season Two. They can buy the Red-is-Pierre-Tremond theory. They guess probabilities of seeing older plotlines, who gets a revisiting and which threads dangle, and ask if Hawk will call Gordon Cole about the lodge line that’s undoubtedly in the found pages. And they don’t want to believe DoppelCooper is the one who created Dougie. They meander a little but a lot less than you’d think…their decompressed show lets them spread out and develop theories on the fly. If the pace of Twin Peaks doesn’t bug you these guys are easily for you.
Formica Table led their coverage of Part Six with “I didn’t expect to be tested this much.” The hosts discuss rather than this being a preamble to season three proper, it’s the realization this IS season three now and we’re going to have to get used to it. A more settled narrative is highly desired, the protagonist is lobotomized, the musical numbers seem like an afterthought, and there’s no character the audience can live in. They note how Lynch doesn’t care about outside forces, he does things his way, and if it falls into TV narrative it does. And the hosts can’t see this changing. The hosts also worry that Diane is potentially Twin Peaks’ mitichlorians. To the hosts, the scene with the dime between Red and Richard Horne was the only one remotely great in the episode, and didn’t care for the execution of the hit-and-run scene. They make the Getting to Know You connection with the King and I. They think teleporting phone poles is a thing. Phillip Jeffries is their guess for the Billionaire and Mr. Todd’s boss. They wish the show would pick a genre. Overall they’re on board, and they admit they’re mostly struggling with the 18-hour movie nature midstream.
The Brad Dukes Show covered Part Six with guest Richard Gold, who worked with Brad Dukes at a Kyle MacLachlan-led wine tasting night filled with Twin Peaks cast members back when no one seemed to care about Twin Peaks besides them. Good stories throughout about that…I’m certainly jealous. They’re frustrated by the Dougie story but love the Jade stuff. The only time they look at the clock is about “where’s Our Dale.” They ponder that sudden random horror has seeped from our world into Twin Peaks, wonder who Mr. Todd’s puppet master is, and note how technology equates with evil now. Brad thinks Red is not supernatural, rather Richard sees things the way he did because he’s high. The hosts note that Janey-E and Doris are the characters on the show who see the world the clearest (when they say things like “what is wrong with this place?”). They end by getting philosophical about the show, wonder where the old characters are, what plot points will even BE picked up, and wonder if everything’s non-sequiturs. The show covered Part Seven later in the week with guest Travis Blue, who watched five days of the filming of diner scenes from outside, and who also drove Frank Silva around town after the first Twin Peaks Convention in 1993. They are thrilled to see the Great Northern room key, and don’t believe Hawk’s explanation of how they got in the door is perfect. They think Briggs is a time traveler, and that the Diane scenes bring people’s issues with Lynch and misogyny purposely to the front. They posit Mr. Strawberry is the warden’s dog, Hastings’ secretary is Betty Briggs, and that DoppelCooper is the billionaire.
Lodgers covered Part Six with guest Matt Croombs. The hosts state how most of Lynch’s stuff is revealed later so that’s why watching Lynch the first time is the worst way to go about commentary. They (rightly) put misogyny under the microscope again, and think The Old World Twin Peaks We’re Expecting is the maguffin of The Return. They also note how even in the original Twin Peaks, instead of plots resolving they would always open up more and more, so potentially left-behind storylines (like possibly Bill Hastings) wouldn’t be entirely out of the ordinary. They also wonder if this new show is destroying our old Twin Peaks in order to rebirth it? All the overt references to before in Part Six proved to viewers that Twin Peaks CAN’T exist the way it used to. They also, in regards to how Twin Peaks originally mirrored contemporary television, wonder if there is a mirroring of sitcoms where the capable and beautiful woman marries a completely useless schlub of a husband. Janey-E and Dougie could easily be a play on that. Later in the week the show covered Part Seven with guest Byron Davies, where they talked less about the Part and more about how loss of life is everywhere on Twin Peaks whether it’s character deaths, Harry, the visibly dying actors on screen, why we’re okay with off-screen death but not on-screen. They also note how Tom Page’s actor usually plays physically imposing characters, and that there’s a lot of failed rebirth metaphors specifically with Cooper. They also note how answers are always presented in the same straightforward way whether it’s easy stuff like Hawk’s dialog to Frank or Cole’s delivery about the easily-missable backward word “yrev.”
Dishin’ The Percolator came back through some adverse conditions this week…apparently the show is unfindable in iTunes searches right now (it’s somehow mixed up with a Presbyterian organization of some sort…this is some up-there IT crap that Apple needs to untangle) but if you’re already subscribed you can still get episodes in your feed. As these guys are my kind of guys, I still recommend you find them where their episodes are active at their website, Hang in there, fellas. Onto episode commentary, Dallas seems perfectly at peace for the first time after Fire Walk With Me and overall the whole episode felt like a pre-return episode of Dishin’. They also gave a favorable shout out to the fan community at large for our camaraderie and this column in particular for my sheer lunacy (my word not theirs). Happy to have you as readers, guys! The hosts wondered if the farmer Andy let go was Little Nicky all grown up, Talked about Tom Page but missed a golden opportunity to declare him a Presbyterian, wondered if the warden was a doppelgänger, and declared DoppelCooper both blessed with sixth sense and the billionaire. And Dallas felt maybe it wasn’t a rape, rather abandonment that Diane felt towards Cooper and the FBI. They wonder if Knox saw the charcoal man or just sort of felt his presence and wondered if DoppelCooper created an army of manufactured Briggses. There were so many great payoff moments for the hosts, especially that explainy diary page dialogue. And they think Cooper might be found thanks to Ben Horne and that hum in the Great Northern.
Red Room Podcast recorded the Awesome Con panel Scott Ryan did with David Bushman (of many credits including co-author of the treasure known as Twin Peaks FAQ), Deer Meadow Radio’s Mark Givens, Mya McBriar of, and Pieter Dom of (who I incidentally have to thank for the new Lucy pic. I’ve been dying to have a modern pic of Lucy on the phones and turns out I needed to special order it. Pieter’s a good man. He deserves donuts.) Mark Givens trotted out his wonderful theory that Windom Earle is the billionaire. Mya thinks CooperDougie is in a nonexistent subconscious state, Pieter wonders if with all the rewriting of history that Laura Palmer will show up alive somewhere along the way, and Scott says two things: Those clicks in and out Cooper did while stuck in the glass box was a random process that could have put him into any one of those realities, and, Andy and Lucy say things Lynch wants to specifically explain to us. Multiple doppelgängers is a believable possibility. They debate the identity of the Charcoal Man. They talk about what makes canon, time travel, and a number of good theories fly through the panel. Good stuff, worth a listen.
The Gifted and the Damned covered Part Seven and begin by wondering whether or not Jerry Horne was just abducted. They wonder if DoppelCooper was actually in the hospital looking for Annie or her ring, and what did happen to Annie anyway? The sound in the Great Northern was so Josie’s style, and noted how Ben backed away from the sexual tension with Beverly. Diane’s “look at me” totally invoked Laura’s “who are you really.” They wondered if the evolution of the arm’s words may have come from it or its doppelgänger, and also may have been directed to Ike just as easily as Cooper. They put the extra spin that maybe gun will have Major Briggs prints on it too.
Logs, Coffee & Bob covered Part Seven (which our host asks if it’s too late to be called Part One) in typically smooth, comedic straightforward delivery of scene-by-scene breakdowns, with properly added historical context and commentary, plus the host’s winning personality. Another winner this week. Subscribe!
Damn Fine Podcast covered Part Seven with guest Dan Abraham. They’re tired of Dougie but loved plot holes wrapping up by way of Dougie. They note (with the sounds in his office and the arrival of the room key) how Ben is no longer a cul-de-sac in Twin Peaks. They discuss Audrey’s potential fate and Diane’s, and they note Andy’s meeting time of 4:30 with the farmer, and mention how that’s also the time Theresa Banks’ autopsy began, which they theorize could line up with John Thorne’s dream theory in that this could be the moment Cooper was shoved out of the narrative by dream characters. I find that unlikely but I’m enjoying how these guys think.
AfterBuzz’s Twin Peaks After Show thought it was a nice touch to start off with some Jerry and Ben fan service before going straight to genuinely awesome extrapolation from the diary pages scene. The hosts couldn’t make heads or tails of the Andy and Farmer scene yet, nor what the deal was with the warden, but they heavily dig into Janey-E’s character. Her power of persuasion over those police officers coupled with last week’s power over the loan shark heavies made all the hosts think highly of her confidence and capability while one host thinks there must be something possibly supernatural going on, though no one elaborates. (I’ve been thinking the same thing and have a theory for some other time.) They note how saving an innocent (Janey-E in this case) from Ike brought out Cooper’s training however temporarily, and they assume Richard Horne’s Audrey/DoppelCooper parentage seems more reasonable than ever in a dark, dark way.
The Eagle scouts over at Sparkwood and 21 start out talking about how some dangling threads from 25 years just won’t be brought up (such as Ben and Will Hayward’s scuffle). They wonder about Annie’s lack of mention from Hayward, and won’t talk any Audrey theories until she’s reintroduced in the Return. The hosts make a good joke about the picture of corn plus Gordon’s whistling is Lynch enjoying our suffering, and wonder if the airplane window lights could be notation of the Rammstein tune Gordon was whistling. They wondered if the something missing (as Diane touches her heart) in DoppelCooper might make him the Tin Man of the piece (rather than the wicked witch I declared him) and I ponder the same thing, nice assist Sparkwooders. They wonder if Andy’s Rolex is a gift from Wally or if Andy really IS on the take. They think Dougie’s reality must be somewhere right between the realities of Buckhorn and Twin Peaks. Realities nestled next to each other like towns on a map is a good metaphor. I bet they actually layer like the lodge floor in the credits, because why else would it be in the credits like that if it’s not on-theme. Always a ton left over to think about after listening to this superb show.
EW’s A Twin Peaks Podcast began by saying how things happened in Part Seven they expected things would happen in Part One. The hosts think Harry’s death is looming and may just bring the town and show plot points together for a funeral, and they also mention how Frank’s phone conversations with Harry remind them of the Straight Story (which it totally does). They also break down the meta level of the Frank/Will Hayward scene: Lynch identifies with Lawmen, Frost’s father plays Hayward, the two wrote The Return mostly over Skype, and it aired first on Father’s Day, not to mention it reveals a plot detail about DoppelCoop possibly “visiting” Audrey. They also figure the 4:30 meeting time between Andy and the farmer is important but in addition to wondering if the farmer disappears then, they wonder if Andy goes missing then as well. They vote for Major Briggs being time-displaced before the fire he “died” in back in Twin Peaks only to surface in Buckhorn where he was killed. The hosts make a case that DoppelCooper/Bob began their tenure as Cooper by violating the women most dear to Cooper, think because DoppelCoop’s lived around the world that he’s the anonymous billionaire, and that he got himself caught on purpose to pick Ray up on his way to his destination. They wonder who the brain tree is rooting for, and make a case for CooperDougie needing to battle through four rounds like the Battlin’ Bud boxing poster he took note of. Battle one is Ike. The two thug assassins would be round two, round three is the Mitchum brothers (Knepper and Belushi), and Round Four is DoppelCooper. It’s just a guess but it’s a good one.
Twin Peaks Revival did another reactcast this week for Part Seven (with a nasty thunderstorm as a co-host punctuating random theories) and the hosts think Part Seven is much too late for the exposition we got. They thought the Jerry scene failed at being comedy, and that the fourth diary page will be found at the end. They somehow thought there was a comical aspect to the Diane/DoppelCooper scene, and don’t understand the dynamics of the scenes that make Harry so present. They don’t think strawberry will come up again, and they rank their favorite all time Twin Peaks freakout battles as follows: 3) Dougie and Janey-E vs. Ike. 2) Dick Tremayne vs. Pine Weasel. 1) “You Stole The Corn!” They wonder if the Fourth Diary page is in the walls of the Great Northern, which to me sounds fairly probable.
Bickering Peaks covered Part Seven by being so happy Laura really DID write it in her diary. The hosts are also surprised how they want to know more about Beverly and Tom Page. They think (as I do) that the Jerry Horne scene ties into the abductions stuff in The Secret History of Twin Peaks. And they posit an odd but intriguing thought that maybe Leland Killed Harold Smith and that’s what happened to the missing Fourth Page. They note that Knox’s mention of “[Briggs’] head is not here” is the cue when the Charcoal Man arrives in the scene, note how apparently three different actors are playing this guy in the Return. The hosts discuss palmistry and numerology in relation to the backward word associations, and note how the expectations of a demure Diane were completely subverted this episode. Tammy is not growing on Aidan, and he wonders if DoppelCoop’s true voice is coming through the electricity-powered microphone. They also wonder if Gordon isn’t mimicking human nature properly when he can’t figure out how to hug Diane… The hosts note Josie’s first scene has her humming, and here the walls of the Great Northern are as well. They note the beautiful shot in the prison as DoppelCoop is released and wonder if the next chronological scene is DoppelCoop killing Phyllis Hastings. They think things are weaving together now and expect a massive bombshell in Part Eight before the July 4th break.
Dark Mood Woods covered Part Seven with guest Zach Woods. They see the show as having a peaceful pace until the scene with Ike when it goes late period Lynchian. The hosts note the meta moment with the skype, and how the specter of death is everywhere even with Warren Frost’s appearance. They see an Inland Empire vibe with the Diane/DoppelCooper scene, They think the Great Northern sound scene is about enjoying the moment, and they dig into the slow build scene involving the charcoal man. As the show goes into the “second act,” this podcast thinks the pacing and narrative thrust is right on target.
We’re Not Going To Talk About Judy (a subheading of the Another Kind of Distance podcast) covered Part Seven by looking into the usage of lamps, the Saturn Lamp in the Lodge, and then Saturn itself. They wonder if the FBI men are ashamed of how they handled Diane’s situation before, and note how Tammy reminds the hosts of Sam Stanley. They wonder if only women can recognize that Cooper isn’t Cooper anymore, note the impending doom for Ray, and note that Annie may or may not have been killed. They associate peeling back the bathroom door frame with putting letters underneath fingernails (which I’m frankly shocked at knowing these hosts’ allergy to metaphor), and note how well Janey-E and Dougie work as a team when taking down Ike. They also assume time travel issues are present in the Briggs story arc.
Boob Tube Buddies finally fix their sound issues from the last few weeks with their coverage of Part Seven. They feel either this is a culmination of The Return, or they didn’t like The Return until just now. Either way it’s a catharsis, and a return to the woods. They even mention Thelema magic for all the Secret History fans. They wonder if Major Briggs is a time traveler, if Audrey is still in a coma today, and have an inkling Diane has always been a fireball.
Fish In The Percolator covered Part Six and noted yes, it’s a Kafka transformation thing, they get it, but the hosts are DONE with Dougie. They also wonder if Chad will be the Guy Gardner of Twin Peaks and somehow come through in the end. They cover Part Seven later in the week and note that Twin Peaks finally got the inkling Cooper isn’t right after all. They call out Andy for being a good cop for all of two minutes, Janey-E for having supernatural persuasive abilities, and as Briggs is associated with crimes wonder if that body is his doppelgänger’s. They think the charcoal man travels through electricity, and that DoppelCooper got arrested on purpose to pick up Ray. And they think “Billy” is the missing farmer.
Ghostwood covered Part Six with their usual enthusiastic level, and they love everything about the non-standard reboot that is the Return. It’s a nice conversation with no major explanations. They call out Carl’s abduction traumas from Secret History, wonder if Cooper will be able to survive an encounter with Ike, and wonder if Lynch was trolling the audience with the chutes and ladders case files scene.
There Will Be Drinking Recaps Twin Peaks covered Part Seven with guest Tina Horn. After a stressful Part Six they thought this one was a breath of fresh air. They think Andy’s 4:30 meeting definitely referenced the Giant’s clue, consider Diane’s previous life as an archetype and confidante only, and assume we’re going to learn more about Blue Rose cases in the immediate future. Based on interior decorating styles of Diane’s house being similar to the Glass Box room in New York, they think Diane has some relation to the billionaire. They note how Lynch seems to only see women as hideous or beautiful, and they’re not mad at him, just consider him a product of his generation.
How’s Annie covered Parts Five (with Lauren Galloway as guest) and Six in two separate episodes. Part Five had TRICKY sound design where one host was in the left headphone and the other host was in the right, so listen accordingly. They discussed Dougie fatigue, loved the two mother hens watching Becky and her boyfriend, and hope Becky won’t be another dark sacrifice to the woods. They note how Becky has moderation and Steven does not and wonder how long before Becky tumbles over the edge with him. They also refer to Shelly’s ENGAGEMENT ring around her neck. They point out Dr. Amp is an overt electricity reference, and that the key is a metaphor: If Cooper is found, please return him to Twin Peaks. The hosts discuss Sonny Jim essentially losing his father, wonder if Cooper needs to SOLVE something before he officially comes back, and thinks of this new Cooper as more of a Dr. Who regeneration in regards to how fans talk about “MY Doctor” versus other doctors despite them all playing the same character. They loved that the Miriam scene showed the small town hominess is still present in Twin Peaks and that it also made the dark moments hit even harder. They saw the buildup to the hit and run scene as similar to the Maddy scene, they assume Briggs was protecting Annie by not including her in his dossier. They go into the misogyny issues and end with being generally optimistic about the show’s directions despite some overt flaws.
Bookhouse Podcast covered Part Seven by beginning with their failed previous predictions. The main host gets under my skin with his lack of details (missing MillburyDoc’s fairly commonly known origin, and continuing to call Janey-E Genie-E) but noted that Frank Truman is the exposition guy and audience conduit. They don’t think the Fourth diary page will ever show up and they’re won’t be a friend in DoppelCooper’s glove box. It turns into a roomful of dudes walking the fine line of talking their way through a comatose Audrey being potentially raped though aren’t intentionally insensitive. They wrap up by discussing more parentage theories for Richard Horne.
The Twin Peaks Podcast covered Part Seven with their guest Tammy. They note how Hawk is seen as credible by Frank, how all the hosts are on board with the show finally, and mention how they don’t know what the airplane windows “code” is but share that someone wanted to play it on the flute and see what happens. They note the reusing of Norma’s bookkeeping footage while enjoying the inconsistencies. The trickiest part of this episode was when they dealt with underinformed feedback railing on the show for their negativity by making fun of the feedback and laughing at it. There are ways to deal with negative feedback that doesn’t have to go cheap (say make it a learning experience for everyone) but they didn’t go that way.
Fire Talk With Me covered Part Seven with their guest FilmCritHULK. They think Audrey is still in a coma, and they applaud the show for its explanation of why some people aren’t part of their world anymore. They notice the electricity in charcoal man’s sound cue, settle on rape being the most sensible answer for Diane because no woman who strong could be that waylaid by a standard heartbreak. The sweeping scene was Lynch and Frost toying with us, but in a playful way rather than antagonistically. They end with advice to let go, let Twin Peaks be what it is now, and enjoy it for being like nothing else on television all over again.
Twin Peaks Unwrapped covered Part Seven by recording it an hour and a half after the episode first aired. They loved the mention of Annie and the Fourth page, and talk about the explanation that Leland hid the pages. They think CooperDougie is inside DoppelCoop this whole time, and put in a vote that Betty Briggs is Bill Hastings’ secretary. The show then goes into part two of their interview with Andreas Halskov, where he posits that Rancho Rosa means the creators are telling us Dougie’s world is completely manufactured. The actors and characters are blending into each other here as well. Next week, they all predict Cooper is back.
Twin Peaks The Return covered Part Seven with guest Bismuth Hoban. As this podcast leads with its heart, I love how it brings in different points of views with its guests. They discuss trans issues, Duchovny’s awesome original portrayal and necessarily problematic portrayal now. They love the women sticking up for each other, and don’t at all like how Cole is emotionally unfair to the women in his life. In commentary specific to the episode, the one still-lost page is exciting, and they love Frank’s hidden screen. “Grief keeps opening the way to Laura and Laura keeps opening the way to grief.” Secrecy is how they see Twin Peaks dealing with its trauma. They discover a blatant pun: Douglas (like the firs) Jones is a plant. Tamara Preston moves specifically like a snake. Diane is NOT a female Cooper after all. In Twin Peaks women understand the supernatural through expertise. There’s a parallel: one dog leg with three ready to go, and three pages with one to go. The hosts hope Diane’s issue comes from a moment with Cooper before he came to Twin Peaks.
Diane covered Part Seven and led with how the mentions of Audrey and Annie have the fans Excited. And also that the hosts won’t speculate on Richard Horne’s parentage. The Ben and Beverly scene where they chase the sound doesn’t chime with anything else on the show but it has that magic we like (also the sound seems like a tuning fork). They think the sweeping scene is all about summoning a place, and that sexual horror has always been at the center of this world so are not surprised by the Diane material. They say how she’s in her pink shirt surrounded by Lynchian blackness. Ike feels like a deployed clenched fist, the dog leg is absurdist horror and they’re not too concerned about the diner shakeup whether it was caused by time travel or not.
I’m Worried About Coop covered Part Seven after talking about some other outside fun topics. They want an acknowledgement of Donna, and don’t put much stake in the thought of killing Harry for a funeral. Except for Tammy the hosts applaud the show for its bevy of bad-ass women, and they discuss the DoppelCooper/Audrey scenario as if it had happened. They’re not so sure about the Diane scenario. I enjoy how they interpret other theories they’ve been reading about but they’re changing their format a bit for next episode by being more of a reactcast.
Twin Peaks Peeks covered Part Seven and the sound collage at the beginning is positively spooky (their openings have been top-notch all season). They noticed the Mitchum’s in the case files names, consider Janey-E the active protagonist in Dougie’s life, and they think for sure the Arm has a distinct agenda from his MIKE. The hosts wonder about how much Mary Sweeney effected Lynch’s work as his editor from Twin Peaks through a number of his movies, and extrapolate how much credit females (and really in Lynch’s case also Mark Frost) should be given for Lynch’s output. The hosts think sexual assault on Diane makes sense but does not completely define her whole personality. All options are possible with this Diane storyline so let’s not jump to conclusions. The hosts think if Leland had THESE pages that he could have created Annie (as a proto-Dougie) in Caroline’s image to lure Cooper into the lodge. They mention the overlapping lodge floor patterns as a possibility of multiple realities but stop short before they became a LOST podcast. They also mention an essay at dealing with representation at Twin Peaks. This show always deals with these issues really well (I’m remembering their stellar episode on Fire Walk With Me), and this one will be one to listen to especially as Diane’s story evolves and progresses.
Time For Cherry Pie and Coffee (a subheading of the Time For Cakes and Ales podcast) Started their viewing of Part Seven by watching all six previous parts right beforehand. They love that Annie is real, poke holes in the “Leland hid the pages” explanation, and assume the farmer is scared of Red. They noticed Doc Hayward say he helped Miss Beulah over Skype before, and believe we’re being LED to believe Audrey and DoppelCooper are the parents of Richard Horne and this will be subverted in the future. They discuss Briggs’ time travel possibilities and assume Davis is calling Denise Bryson about the body. After Jeffries made scorch marks in Fire Walk With Me, the hosts wonder if the charcoal man has traveled too much and burned himself out. Laura Dern owns Diane’s issues and complex responses. They think the hum in the Great Northern began when Cooper left the purple room, and assume the diner scene must be intentional. They’re proponents of Dougie needing to go through four rounds of trials, and think the desperate plotlines will be connecting sooner than later now. Good stuff as always with this podcast. Per usual it’s a bit longer than most shows but jam packed with great ideas and WELL worth your time.
Twin Peaks Rewatch covered Part Seven and began with a hysterical scene-by-scene breakdown about things that are missing and things that go missing. The hosts also notice a pattern: Unilaterally, If a detail is important, a character is going to straight up bring it back as the most straightforward piece of forensic evidence, this is a big clue, and then we’ll specifically ask ourselves what it means then. They also note how David Lynch is a big Mad Men fan and wonder if Dougie and his workplace life are supposed to be a reflection of Don Draper’s vapidness. The hosts see everything in the show existing in one spacial reality but it seems like rebirth, sleeping and awakening are the themes everywhere. They didn’t touch the Diane issue this week but with the lean towards how this show is doing what it’s doing, this is my show of the week.
Not on the list but you released a podcast last week? Leave a comment here so I can add you into my listening schedule. The Twin Peaks community needs to know about you!